Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gale to a Breeze

This is exactly how the past few days have been- comforting breeze from a violent gale. The feeling was amZing when my first client called last night and thanked me for the service, handed over 6 months back. Things seem settling down- got the landline at the office today- got to spend three days at the office in a weeks- projects under control..hope things stay the same way.

::BJ:::::... :::::...:on...:::d::...m::ov..e

Friday, October 08, 2010


Vibes has been my best trusted compass for a while now- time tried and tested. Off late havent been feeling great vibes towards a particular project. Worst case scenario, we may hv to wind up- but seriously No Big Deal. Its wierd but i am actually looking frwd to it. Cos, this is the max, unconcerted, focussed and sincere efforts I can put it. Beyond this, guess a large company is the need of the hour instead of a small start up like mine. Hope it isnt get a dirty but a dignified affair. Need a break though. Time is what i stand to gain- to work, and move things forward. No the flip side, the only thing that wud get compromised is my finances. But having come so far, i thing i would somehow manage this. To conclude, its a funny feeling i have been dealing with for a while, hope there is new door waiting to open.

::BJ:::::... :::::...:on...:::d::...m::ov..e

Friday, October 01, 2010


Everyone around me says i am stressed out, need to chill, eat on time etc etc....of course i am stressed out. But then, what do u do,
A)when performances standards are being raised higher as the day goes by,
B)deliverables are lagging behind,
C)each day begins with new hopes of to-does, but end up as backlogs,
D)time is spent way too much on the meetings instead of actually thinking and putting things together,
E)when a particular project demands exceptional focus,
F) when u realise that out of 90 days of opening a new office, you manage to spend only 23 in the premise
G) implementation of operational systems is still pending
H) car is my whole and sole mate

Of course i am stressed.

::BJ:::::... :::::...:on...:::d::...m::ov..e