Sunday, October 25, 2009


Dillusion- when definite thoughts and uncertain thoughts cross each others. Boy no doubt this is the litmus one for holding fort. No two ways about it all. I have to put my BP and MP together asap. Though there has been significant omens popping up at the right time, its all a question of belief and energies! And also the most awaited omen has to see the light of the day, in the next fortnight or so. Now all of a sudden all the Wisdom oneliners seem to speak only to me. Also Direct Proportions will be the bottom line for the nights to follow.

:::...::::B J::::::.......:::::::::::on::d:::...::m::ove

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Hmm This is it!

So far so good. Things indeed are falling into place. Though the response was plesantly surprising, today is the wait n watch day. Whichever way it goes I shall be driving the final nail today, kind of scary but then I guess this is what it takes.
Sometimes, wrestling with the thought whether is it a forced vision of convenience or not. I guess I have no choice but to believe them. As ever hoping that these turn out to be right guiding stars.
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Friday, October 02, 2009

Trusting Trust

I really don't if I did the right thing in jumping the gun. Though I am guilty of biting the apple, I just did trusting TRUST a lot. I hope I am not let down by my instinct or victimised by my action. My only Risk is that I have just given far too much time for response and contemplation, which I hope doesn't work against me. But having risked so, I am playing the innonence, moral, friendship, and relationship card. A lot depends on how rthings go today. Just I have to say is that - have just trusted trusty in this action.
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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Random thoughts

Well it does quite a 'lot' of things to steer than to ride. I think with winds of change puffing your sails, the best seat in no doubt the steer! With the 'Eureka' moment already ezperienced, I just need to dig really deep into belief and the famed 3Ds to paddle up further. Really, the thought is quite an adrenaline in itself. Its would quite a be a journey to pursue..........m
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