An interesting 'food for thought' moment happened about a fortnight ago. Was driving with a new acquaintance from the Client's team - and we started to get along pretty well. thereupon the obvious question popped up- WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES ? Man, what a moment- everything around me just turned into a BLACK HOLE and turned non-existential. I could see through everything around me. My eyes narrowed- tongue twitched and well I HAD TO THINK to answer this pretty - off the cuff question. Just made me realize- how old i have grown. Hobbies !!! Such a lovely thing- such a thing we proudly cultivate with an intent to distinguish from rest of us- Such a thing which we used to give unconditional time and commitment- such a thing - which spoke of who you are- such a thing- we used to KILL time with. Well- simply had no idea where all these- fell off without my notice- along this great transitional journey from a student to a professional to a family man. Of course- things change as time loses out on us- but then no way an excuse to make a victim out of this. time to play CATCH UP. But- where and how to start ???
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