Was just wondering about the key role of OPINIONS in one life. Despite the best addages which have been in place since ages, (to quote a few- to each his own, dog's tail is always...etc etc) an assessment of the time we spend in our lifetime- trying to put across/ substantiate/justify/ defend/explain our OPINION to the other person, is MIND NUMBING. The fact is we keep doing is day in day out,as if we are hardwired. Without this unconscious zombish indulgence of ours, world would have devoid of debates, books, news, arguments, and the best 'relationships' would have had a whole new dimension, which is so exciting to even unfathom. We would 'save' so many precious counts of time for better things in life.......cos, at the end of the day- irony rules , addages survive for the next generation,,since PEOPLE SIMPLY DO WAT THEY WANT TO DO.......just think about it,,the ratio of time u spend opining, and the Impact of the same.........
::BJ:::::... :::::...:on...:::d::...m::ov..e
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My opinion on this ?! ;)
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