The day was, I term as a ‘perfect Goa holiday’!! Well Not the beach, but at the house. A phone call (from a prospective Landscape Contractor, seeking directions to our construction site), spiked me to wake up at 0945 hrs. A couple more attempts to get back to my dreamy world, failed. And, I resigned myself to the day. The ambience in and around the house was the same. Birds (The cock family already at work) chirping, an occasional but periodic ‘meow’ from the cat, Sun rays beating strongly on the bed, as if mocking at the frosted glass pane, meant to ‘cut-off’ the sunlight and not to mention swift cold winter currents, fleeting from various opening in the house ( the rigdes, the slits etc). The feel was too perfect for a slow, lethargic day. The first thing, I started, kept me busy for an hour. During which, I decided to go in for a brunch than a breakfast. My accessory clothings were in a state of mess (disorganized) since quite some time- given the fact that I have only one almirah for all the storage purposes. Clothes have an almost ‘Tresspassers will be prosecuted’ feel, in the almirah, where books are the customary rulers. The need to organize my necessary clothing was nagging for some time now.